2016-01-20 32101
人力资源总监/经理/主管/招聘经理/主管/员工关系经理  用人部门总监、用人经理、Line Manager
《Talent Retain Master Class》 《HR和用人部门,如何留住核心人才?》 我们不能老是抱怨公司的各项制度这里不行那里不好,在固定的现状下如何才能留住核心人才,才更能体现我们自身工作价值和管理能力 春节将至,大批员工蠢蠢欲动! 主办方:中仕企业学院 www.chinacpd.com 专注于为500强提供高质量企业培训,每年在7个领域主办100多场培训公开课、企业内训 北京12月26日,上海1月10日 Standard Price:1天课程3500 RMB/person 【内训需求】您也可请老师去您公司讲授定制型、针对您公司具体情况的内训,两天课酬2-3万元,欢迎随时联系我13316122888。 [Training Background 课程背景] 当前中国市场对优秀人才的竞争,已经到了白热化的程度。人才2-3年流动早已成为惯常现象。企业运行的同时,猎头之手无处不在,每一天优秀人才都可能接到充满诱惑的外部电话。如果其在公司不开心、充满困惑或压力过大等,跳槽就可能发生。可是,有些公司处于竞争非常激烈的行业,却依然拥有忠实的中高管理层(至少在公司4年以上);还有一些企业,薪资仅处在市场中等甚至中偏下水平,却依旧拥有稳定的中层干部和稳定的关键人员梯队(至少在公司6年以上),这些企业是如何做到的呢?它们靠的是什么?究竟什么可以令企业持续性发展? The talents competition in Chinese market has come to the fevered pitch. It is a normal phenomenon of talents flow in different industries in 2 or 3 years. No matter how the enterprise salaries integrate with the market, there are still core talents leaving. At the same time of enterprise operation, there are also headhunting companies everywhere. Talents are likely to receive external phones full of temptation every day. If they are not happy, filled with puzzles or have too much pressure, etc. they may change jobs. However, some companies are in a very competitive industry, but still have loyal management layers (at least 4 years in the company); There are still some companies, the average salaries are only in the middle or even lower level in the market, but still have stable middle-level cadres and key personnel echelons (at least 6 years in the company), How do these companies do it? There are a lot of valuable work that can effectively retain the core talents or delay the leaving time from the company level and the perspective of HR’s work. What are the jobs on earth? [Who should attend 谁应参加] 人力资源总监/经理/主管/招聘经理/主管/员工关系经理 用人部门总监、用人经理、Line Manager HRD/ Manager/ Supervisor/ Recruit Manager/ Labor Relations Specialist Line Manager/ Managers in Sales dept. / Marketing dept. / R&D dept. etc. [Training Content 培训内容] 一. 人才流失的原因反思 1. 讨论:人才离职的个因/内因/外因? 2. 人才流失模型 3. 案例解析 4. 留才中的系统思维 1).阴阳表里图 2).系统循环练习:核心人才离职后的连锁反应 5. 留才效果分析与影响因素 二. 核心人才的保留 1. HR和用人经理保留核心人才的九项工作 2. 核心人才名单和信息档案 1). 核心人才盘点图 2).人才信息档案的10项内容 3). 怎样挖掘驱动力 4). 害怕因素:劣币驱除良币的人才管理案例 5). 某企业核心员工信息管理样本  3. 员工职业发展 1). 企业员工职业发展管理案例(含轮岗) 2). 六个主要工作 3). 核心员工的职业交流 i. 交流流程 ii. 角色扮演 iii. 访谈话术和注意事项 iv. 职业问答小册子 4. 提早预警员工离职的五种参考方法 (3个HR操作,3个用人经理操作) 1). 提早6个月预警法(2种) 2). 提早3个月预警法(1种) 3). 提早1个月预警法(2种) 4). 人才报警系统 三. 离职访谈 1. 访谈前的准备: 1). 访谈前的15个提问(问用人经理/问系统/问自己) 2). 练习:根据给定背景,设计核心员工临时保留方案 3). 离职访谈的谈话结构? 4). 讨论:哪些因素阻碍发现员工的真实离职动机?怎样应对? 3. 离职访谈中 1). 情景模拟: 提交辞呈的核心员工 2). 沟通样本(了解离职原因、保留话术) 3). 询问建议的技巧 i). 开放式与封闭式提问 ii). 询问建议的话术和注意事项 四. 复习 五. Q&A Course Content 一. The reflections of the reasons for brain drain 1. Discussion: Personal reasons/internal reasons/external reasons of talent leaving 2. Brain drain model 3. Case analysis 4. Systems thinking in retaining talents 1). Yin-yang and exterior-interior graph 2).System circulation exercises: The chain reaction of core talents leaving 5. The effect analysis and influence factor of retaining talents 二. Retaining of core talents 1. Nine work of HR to retain core talents 2. The list and information files of core talents 1). Core talents inventory graph 2). Ten items of talent information file 3). How to excavate the driving force 4). Fear factor: Talent management case of bad money drive out good money 5). An enterprise core talents information management sample 3. Employees career development 1). Enterprise employees career development management case (including work rotation) 2). Six main work 3). Core employees job interviews i. Interview process ii. Role playing iii. Interview skills and precautions iv. Job quiz brochure 4. Five kinds of reference methods of early warning employees leaving (3 HR’s operations, 3 employment manager’s operations) 1). 6 months early warning method (2 kinds) 2). 3 months early warning method (1 kind)       3). 1 months early warning method (2 kinds) 4). Talent alarm system 三. Leaving interview 1. Preparation before interview: 1). 15 questions before interview(ask employment manager/ask system/ask yourself) 2). Exercise: According to the given background, design a temporary retaining program of core employees 3). Conversation structure of leaving interview 4). Discussion: What factors hinder the discovery of employees’ real leaving motivations? How to deal with? 3. In the leaving interview 1). Scenario simulation: The core employee who submitted his resignation 2). Communication sample (Know about the leaving reasons and retaining talk skills) 3). Skills of asking advice i). Open and closed questions ii). The talk skills of asking advice and precautions 四. Review 五. Q&A
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